I am Big Lou. Actually, I am one of Big Lou's creators, and I have struggled with my weight my entire life. At times I have had success with Adkins, or other low carb diets of various sorts but always ended up reverting back to junk food and gaining the weight back. In the fall 2016 I came across Weight Loss Direct and decided to give it a shot. At 5'11 I weighed in at about 272 pounds at the start of this program. 40 days later I was down to 230 lbs. I maintained that weight for over a year and the stresses of life then pushed me back up to 240 lbs by the end of 2018. In December of 2018 I went back to www.weightlossdirect.com and started another 40 day round of their program. As of February, 2019 I am down to 212 lbs, the lowest I have been in over 20 years of yo yo dieting. My plan is to maintain this weight and the program for a few months and do one more round of 20 days to get below 200 lbs.
In addition to weight loss, my cholesterol and triglyceride numbers are back to normal, my blood pressure levels are normal, and my A1C and insulin levels, which had been creeping up, are now normalized. I was well on my way to Diabetes and possible Heart Disease at an early age, and while no diet can eliminate these risks, I am confident that I can further mitigate those health risks with the tools weight loss direct has given me. At 44 years old, I am close to the best shape of my life and have confidence that I can achieve my health goals. My life insurance will be less expensive when I keep this weight off for at least one year as well. I could end up saving ten's of thousands of dollars on premiums over the next 20 years by just losing weight, and getting my cholesterol, blood pressure, insulin, and A1C under control. As of August 2019, I am at 198 pounds and holding under my original goal of 200 pounds.
Is it easy? Nothing worth doing ever is. Honestly the first few days are difficult. By day 5 or 6, my head was clear, I had no cravings, and felt great. They gave me all the tools to persevere and make my goal achievable. Most of the days on this plan I couldn't believe I was being this successful for so long. Is it free? Nothing of value ever is. What would you spend to get your health back? What would I spend to save ten's of thousands on my life insurance premiums? The answer is different for everyone. See Disclaimer.
I am required to write that you should always speak to your doctor about any diet or lifestyle change and monitor your labwork with your doctor before changing any medications. Big Lou | TermProvider does not receive any fees or bonuses from Weight Loss Direct for this endorsement. No purchase is required from Big Lou | TermProvider to benefit from the Weight Loss Direct program or to receive a life insurance quote.
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Chad Hill - August 2019
biglou at termprovider.com

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TermProvider | The Home of Big Lou is a Life Insurance Brokerage Offering The Best Rates From The Top Insurance Companies In the Country. Over 25 Years We Have Helped Ten's of Thousands Of People Save Time and Money On Their Life Insurance. With That Experience, We Have Noticed That Many Of Our Clients Have Weight Issues and Other Health Glitches Common To Those That Are Overweight. Sleep Apnea, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Arthritis, and Heart Disease are Just a Few. If We Can Help Educate our Clients about The Life Insurance Process and The Health Issues that Affect their Premiums, Not Only Will Their Health Improve, But Their Life Insurance Premiums Will Go Down.
T: 800-682-2017
F: 877-242-0788
E: biglou-at-termprovider.com
M: 348 SW Miracle Strip Pkwy Suite 3A
Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548